1GDPA Policy

Policy Regarding Russia’s War in Ukraine

Last updated: 2023.10.25

#tldr: 1GDPA shall not knowingly conduct any business with either citizens of the Russian Federation or Russian businesses; we will terminate any discovered relationships; we will support Ukrainian citizens and businesses.


This policy sets forth 1 Global Data Protection Advisors LLC (1GDPA) policy regarding Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine. 1GDPA strongly supports international norms regarding human rights and individual dignity promulgated by the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and subsequent principles established under international human rights law. These include the fundamental tenets of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also individual liberties, such as civil and political rights, economic rights, social rights, and cultural rights.

Beginning in 2008 with the invasion of the sovereign country of Georgia, then the illegal annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and de facto occupation of the Donbas in 2014, and culminating with the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Russian Federation has demonstrated its contempt for these international norms and human rights. The Russian Federation has, allegedly, committed unspeakable war crimes and crimes against humanity that cannot be tolerated in a civilized society grounded on the rule of law and respect for human dignity.


  1. For as long as the Russian Federation unlawfully violates the territorial sovereignty of its neighbors and wages an unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine or any other sovereign state, 1GDPA shall not knowingly do business with any citizen of the Russian Federation, nor any entity connected with the Russian Federation.

  2. If any business transaction counter to this policy is discovered, 1GDPA will swiftly move to terminate that transaction or relationship.

  3. 1GDPA will support Ukrainian citizens and its businesses wherever possible.

Support for Ukrainian Citizens

1GDPA urges its members, guests, and service providers to support Ukrainian citizens everywhere, and particularly those who have fled to third countries. To that end, we ask that you consider supporting our close friend Yulia, whose family remains in Ukraine as she and her husband fled their lives in Moscow at the start of the 2022 full-scale invasion. Yulia, a talented lawyer, reinvented herself by launching a business in Paris focused on selling beautiful vintage art, jewelry, décor, and other stylish items. Her target market is Ukrainian, but she speaks excellent English and French. Please follow cinquieme_etage on Instagram and consider purchasing one of the stunning items on offer.

Slava Ukraini!

Brush stroke representation of a Ukrainian flag