

1GDPA helps you build and mature your data protection, privacy, and AI governance programs

Worldwide Data Protection and Privacy Compliance

Data runs the global economy. “This is the way” for the foreseeable future, even for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

1GDPA helps you design a robust data protection and privacy program that supports all processing, including data collection, discovery, tagging, storage, sharing, safeguarding, and deletion. Our approach is designed to be successful anywhere in the world you do business.

1GDPA advises you throughout each step of the data and systems engineering life cycles. Apply privacy data protection best practices that holistically address technical, operational, and regulatory requirements.


Data protection and privacy program development, applying privacy by design and default (PbDD)

Fractional Privacy Officer (FPO) to address privacy matters on a cost effective, contract basis.

Data protection and privacy governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) assistance, including:

  • Policy generation (privacy, cookies, data governance)

  • Data privacy and protection impact assessments (DPIA)

  • Data mapping and records of processing activities (ROPA)

  • Data subject access requests (DSAR)

  • Employee training

International compliance (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) and data transfer agreements

EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) registration


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance

Organizations that embrace AI today are predicted to outpace their non-adoptive competitors in just a few years. Generative AI solutions are already helping companies improve logistics, customer care, and targeted marketing.

AI governance is for every business, not just the big players. Good AI governance is essential for success in the digital economy.

1GDPA will help you to establish an AI and data governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) program that fosters trustworthy AI design, development and use, ensuring that your use of AI systems is ethical, transparent, secure, and compliant.


Independent outside advisor for the adoption of trustworthy and ethical AI systems

Design and integrate your AI governance program

Draft AI principles, policies, guidelines, and procedures that align with your business strategy

Identify and prioritize AI use cases and appropriate resources

Apply appropriate AI risk management frameworks to augment or accelerate your GRC program

Advise teams on AI vendor selection and contractual requirements

Provide training for an AI-literate workforce

Craft AI disclosures to meet transparency and notice requirements

Advise management regarding ethical whistle-blowing and accountability programs

#1GDPA woman holding tablet doing video call

Data Protection and Privacy Training and Education

1GDPA offers training and education across your organization, from the executive team to key stakeholders responsible for data protection across the enterprise. Training takes place in person, virtually, or via a subscription to pre-recorded video training modules.

Throughout training, 1GDPA provides recommendations to improve compliance with applicable data protection regulations and adoption of best practices. Topics cover business strategy, legal, product design, and marketing considerations, as well as technical and organizational controls.


Data protection training seminars and workforce education (either live in-person or virtual)

On-demand video data protection course subscriptions

Multinational Systems Engineering

1GDPA delivers decades of personal experience proudly supporting public service leaders in the fields of national security, homeland defense, veterans affairs, public health, and the federal judiciary.

Our seasoned perspective and technical approach leverage sound systems engineering principles to solve hard global problems that require safe and timely data flows.


Defense security cooperation (DSC) program design and systems engineering

Multinational command, control, communications, and computers (C4) data sharing

Systems engineering and technical assistance (SETA) support for privacy, cybersecurity, and multinational interoperability